EPISODI: 3 - Wo kein Licht


A corpse in the Saale puzzles the two chief inspectors Zorn and Schröder: Apparently it is a case of a suicide. But why did the man run to the river to shoot himself in the water? Zorn and Schröder begin to investigate. The dead man was a public prosecutor, his name was Meinolf Grünbein and he was completely inconspicuous during his lifetime. Nevertheless, he was apparently pursued in the end. While Zorn and Schröder are looking for answers to the many unanswered questions, Schröder is approached. The fugitive driver is a criminal defense attorney and has one thing in common with the dead prosecutor: both were involved in a lawsuit involving the wealthy businessman Elias de Koop. Just a coincidence? As if the new case wasn't exhausting enough, Zorn also has problems with Malina. She's staying with a friend, and Anger just can't contain his jealousy.




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