
Dracula: The Series: Bad Blood


Dramë, Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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EPISODI: 13 - Bad Blood


Lucard bites a young thief with a rare antigen in his blood which can kill the vampire who ingests it. The famous vampire doctor, Gabor Varney, tells him that there is only one cure--water from the Paquette Spring in the Bettange Valley. Sick and delirious, Lucard doesn't trust anyone, and insists on going to the spring himself. Once there, he discovers that the water has been polluted by one of his own factories. As Lucard lies dying, Gustav and Max arrive to finish him off. Fortunately, Varney stops them and gives Lucard a vial of the water, purified, which returns him to normal. Meanwhile, Sophie is dating a creepy young existentialist poet named Vincent, and Chris is jealous. In fact, Vincent is the thief whom Lucard bit; now a vampire himself, he attacks Chris, who spurns him with a cross but discovers that it's already too late to save Sophie.


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