
Inside Central Station: Episode 1

Inside Central Station (2020)

Regjia: Paul Glynn

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EPISODI: 1 - Episode 1


First in a six-part series following the staff and passengers of Glasgow Central station. In this episode, heavy rainfall causes travel chaos for passengers attempting to travel south, and staff across the station pull together to help passengers reach their final destinations. It is the first week on the job for new station tour guide Jackie, and she is trying to get to grips with the long history of Central station in time for a test run of her new tour. Meanwhile, the Blue Lagoon chip shop serves hundreds of station passengers every day, but it is a race against the clock to get the refurbished shop open in time for rush hour. Station manager Drew is on night shift as he watches over passengers heading off for a day at the races, and author Gordon Webster explains the legacy of the infamous Beeching Cuts as veterans of Central station discuss the impact of railway privatisation.



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