
Burger Land: Wisconsin's Burger Belt

Burger Land (2013)


EPISODI: 1 - Wisconsin's Burger Belt


George visits Wisconsin's most popular burger spots. From a butter burger to a poached burger, George travel's the Wisconsin Burger Belt in search of some of the best burgers in America. In this half-hour docu-series, our host George Motz meets with some of America's best hamburger creators, tours their establishments and finds out what goes into making their burgers the most raved about in the land. To be a great burger by George's standards doesn't only mean that a burger is the best, but that it is truly unique and has stood the test of time. On this journey George will visit some of the top burger joints in America, as well as spots he's never been to before. Join George as he travels our great nation in search of, not just the best burgers, but the people and stories that make those burgers great.


Burger LandBurger LandBurger LandBurger LandBurger LandBurger Land


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