
Japan: Earth's Enchanted Islands: Hokkaido

Japan: Earth's Enchanted Islands (2015)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Japoni, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Susie Painter

Vlerësimi: 7.9/10


EPISODI: 3 - Hokkaido


The documentary examining the wildlife of the east Asian country focuses on Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island and a place totally unlike the rest of the country. Every year it swings from a bitter Siberian winter into the warmth of a Mediterranean-like summer, with the thaw revealing a landscape changed beyond all recognition. It takes hardy animals and tough people with real ingenuity to survive in this ever-changing place. Michelle Dockery narrates. Last in the series.


Japan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted IslandsJapan: Earth's Enchanted Islands


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