
The Challenge: Handsome Reward

Real World/Road Rules Challenge (2000)

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EPISODI: 11 - Handsome Reward


We start off the the final episode with both teams at dinner playing the question game. We see only 5 of the questions. Yes is asked how big his member is, Dan is asked who out of both teams he would like to go out with and he refuses to answer, Veronica is asked if she would be Amaya for a day and she quickly replies no, and lastly Amaya is asked if she would do the wrestling match over again and would she win. She basically said she'd kick Veronica's butt!!! The following day the teams are off to meet Gladys. She tells them their final mission would be skydiving, and reveals their handsome reward will not be money but brand new 2000 Nissan Xteras. The teams are excited and both want to win. They later find out they won't be diving tandem and they have to sign releases that warn them that they could be killed.


The ChallengeThe ChallengeThe ChallengeThe Challenge


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