
The Challenge: Wheel of Wrestling

Real World/Road Rules Challenge (2000)

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EPISODI: 3 - Wheel of Wrestling


We start off with Piggy still upset about being caught smoking and losing the money for her team. They arrive at their next mission where they find out they will be wrestling, either eachother or professional wrestlers(guys, gals, ad midgets) depending on what they spin on a wrestling wheel. Heather and Piggy go first, spinning the wheel to discover they have to wrestle each other. Piggy is determined to beat Heather cause Heather caught her smoking but ofcourse Heather is quite a bit larger and just kills Piggy. On to Dan and Mike who spin the wheel and discover they have to wrestle female wrestlers. The guys take advantage of the situation and play with the girls abit but obviously each of them easily wins the match. Next is Amaya and Veronica who spin the wheel to find out they have to wrestle midgets. Veronica goes first and after a good few battles gets pinned by the midget.


The ChallengeThe ChallengeThe ChallengeThe Challenge


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