EPISODI: 2 - Der Tote im Elchwald


The psychologist Dr. Wendelin Winter travels to Sweden with his pretty daughter Alexandra. Winter is scheduled to give a lecture on hunting at Lund University. In order to prepare, he has accepted the generous invitation of the wealthy shipyard and landowner Gunnar Larsson, who organizes a traditional moose hunt with friends and relatives. Meanwhile, Alexandra has joined the good-looking environmental activist Ole, who has organized an outdoor camp nearby. When the hunting party wants to leave the next day, Winter experiences a surprise: Determined animal rights activists, including Ole and his daughter Alexandra, want to prevent the moose hunt with a human chain. But the heathers have their means to keep annoying demonstrators at bay. As soon as they are on the prowl, the inexperienced winter loses touch with the hunting party. Wandering around alone, he hears a scream and finds a lifeless body on the forest floor. Then a blow hits him in the back of the head. When he comes to, the supposed corpse has disappeared without a trace. The next day, Larsson's friend and business partner Malte Hendriksson was found dead with a gunshot wound. Commissioner Svensson assumes a hunting accident. Winter is not so sure about that, however. The soul doctor has since found out that Larsson had a motive for murder: he knew about the relationship between his pretty wife Lisa and Hendriksson. Larsson's sister Helena, who was once shamefully abandoned by the womanizer Hendriksson, also had a motive. Helena's daughter Birge also had good reason to send Hendriksson to hell: the beautiful young woman has been in a wheelchair since a car accident in which Hendriksson was not innocent. The only thing that Winter isn't quite sure about is the grumpy estate manager Pelle.


High Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society MurderHigh Society Murder


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