
The First 48: Last Words; Nowhere to Hide

The First 48 (2011)

Dokumentar, Dramë, Reality show, Krim, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 33 - Last Words; Nowhere to Hide


In Birmingham, a 49-year-old man is beaten and shot in the middle of a housing complex in broad daylight. In a community where no one wants to be seen as "snitching," finding someone to come forward with information will be Detective Chris Anderson's biggest challenge. Then, in DeKalb County, lead detective Chris Franklin investigates the murder of an 18-year-old male, gunned down in an apartment complex. The case takes a turn when Franklin learns the killer's intended target was actually the victim's friend.


The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48


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