
The First 48: Last Exit / Out Cold

The First 48 (2006)

Dokumentar, Dramë, Reality show, Krim, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 9 - Last Exit / Out Cold


Two patrol officers driving on a service road to the Black Canyon freeway notice a dark shape at the curb. When they pull over they find a man lying dead in the road. Responding Homicide Detective Jeremy Rosenthal has been with Phoenix Police Department for eight years, and this is just his fifth case a homicide detective. He and Sr. Detective Alex Feminia will investigate this mysterious case. In Miami, Detectives Armando Aguilare and Fernando Bosch are investigating the death of a man found in front of a bar on a little Havana sidewalk, his skull cracked. With no leads, they have to find out who their victim is and how he ended up out cold. But after the autopsy they know one thing for certain--this is a homicide.


The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48


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