
Melrose Place: The Kyle High Club

Melrose Place (1999)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 20 - The Kyle High Club


Kyle continues to abuse alcohol and prescription pills. After a vicious argument with Amanda regarding her baby obsession, he leaves for New York without sharing his plans. He scouts a hard rock band, whose manager holds wild parties in Kyle's suite and gets him hooked on drugs. When Amanda and Ryan come to Kyle's rescue, she sees women coming out of his room and assumes that he is cheating on her. She throws him out of the apartment. Lexi gives up on Peter after he wishes her well and urges her to move on with her life. She offers to make Megan a partner in her company if she can find Lexi the perfect mate. Jane and Michael call off the divorce, but face huge legal bills. A patient that Michael saved gives him a sports car and offers him an opportunity at a million-dollar investment (or so he says).


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