
Melrose Place: Love, Mancini-Style

Melrose Place (1994)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 24 - Love, Mancini-Style


Michael attempts to kill Sydney during their honeymoon in the mountains of northern California, but fails twice. Matt pursues them in the hopes of preventing the crime. Michael has the chance to push Syd off a cliff, but cannot go through with it. Sydney vows that he will love her one day. A guilt-ridden Matt tells Jane that he altered Michael's blood alcohol records after the accident. Jane uses a signed confession from Matt to blackmail Michael and Sydney into staying married. Jo is haunted by visions of Reed, and is angry when she learns that Jake has decided to start a charter service on Reed's boat, the Pretty Lady. He convinces Jo to face her guilt head on, and she visits Reed's grave site to offer her forgiveness. Amanda erupts after seeing Jake comfort Jo. Alison decides that she and Billy won't sleep together again until after the wedding.


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