
Melrose Place: Hot and Bothered

Melrose Place (1993)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Paul Lazarus

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EPISODI: 6 - Hot and Bothered


Billy and Alison cannot get Jake and Jo back together. Amanda forces Jake to work with Jo on a photo shoot, where they bicker. The Mancinis' divorce is finalized. Michael fears that Jane is stealing his friends, so he throws a party at the beach house. Jane goes drinking with Alison and Jo; then sleeps with her lawyer, Robert. Kimberly is irritated when a drunken Michael flirts with every woman at the party. Sydney passes out drunk and spends the night on Michael and Kimberly's couch. Jake tries to invite himself to Amanda's apartment, but she slaps him. Katya asks Matt to marry her so that she and her daughter Nikki won't be deported.


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