Final 24: Sid Vicious

Final 24 (2006)

Dokumentar, Biografi, Krim, Dramë, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kanada

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EPISODI: 1 - Sid Vicious


February, 1979: Punk icon, suspected murderer and heroin addict Sid Vicious has just been released from Rikers prison in New York City. After a night of celebrating his freedom with friends and family, he wakes suddenly. Hell-bent on self-destruction, Sid ingests a massive amount of heroin into his recently drug free body. Sid is discovered dead the next morning. Join us as we delve into his past to uncover the series of events that led to Sid's death and reveal for the first time a shocking revelation that sheds new light on his last day.


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