Ace of Diamond: Reliable Teammates

ダイヤのA (2014)

Animacion, Sport | Japoni

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EPISODI: 34 - Reliable Teammates


Raichi faces Furuya and manages to get a double. The next batter hits a single allowing Raichi to score and give Yasuki a 1-0 lead. Miyuki quickly reminds Furuya that he has reliable teammates behind him, and after a marvelous caught steal on Yasuki, Miyuki gives Seido the confidence it needs. Seido responds in the bottom of the first, and thanks to a 2-run homer by Masuko Seido takes a 3-1 lead. Seeing that his careful planning won't be enough, Raizou prepares to insert Sanada in the lineup earlier than usual and plans to have Raichi crush Furuya on his second at bat.


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