Ace of Diamond: Money Tree

ダイヤのA (2014)

Animacion, Sport | Japoni

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EPISODI: 33 - Money Tree


The episode begins with Chris coaching the team on Yakusi's batting power and their true ace, Sanada, who comes out of the bullpen and throws a shootball. Seeing their methods, Katoka decides to take action. Kataoka calls Sawamura, Furuya, and Kawakami into his office and tells them that Tanba isn't ready to pitch in the next game. Instead he decides they will go with Furuya for innings 1-3, Sawamura for 4-6, and Kawakami for 7-9. After he leaves them he approaches Tanba and tells him to start getting ready in the bullpen in inning 5 and that he will likely play in the game. As game day arrives the entire Seido team stares down Yakusi, mostly focusing their stares on Raichi Todoroki. When the lineups are revealed though, coach Raizou Todoroki has made some adjustments. Raichi has been moved and is now the first batter.


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