My Babysitter's a Vampire: The Date to End All Dates (1)

My Babysitter's a Vampire (2012)

Komedi, Mister, Familjar | Kanada, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 12 - The Date to End All Dates (1)


The Vampire Council has been raided, and the intruder is looking for something called the Lucifractor. But Ethan has more important things to worry about - his first date with Sarah! Lucky for him, Benny and Rory step up to handle the vampire adventuring on their own, while Ethan plans the perfect dinner with the girl of his dreams. But their evening is interrupted by a blast from Sarah's romantic past and Ethan learns the terrible history of the Lucifractor - a fearsome weapon that could wipe out every vampire in Whitechapel. The good news? Benny and Rory are on it. The bad news? It's Benny and Rory...


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