
Spider-Man: The Alien Costume (1)

Spider-Man (1995)

Animacion, Aksion, Familjar, Fantashkencë, Dramë, Thriller, Romancë, Fantazi, Krim, Aventurë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 8 - The Alien Costume (1)


A space shuttle piloted by J.J.'s son, John Jameson, crash lands on the Tri-Borough Bridge carrying two strange meteors -- One that could provide a new nuclear fuel and one that contains an alien substance. The first is stolen by the Kingpin's henchman, the Rhino, just as Spider-Man arrives to save Jameson and the co-pilots. When the Rhino sends the aircraft off the bridge, Spider-Man emerges from the water with a dark stain covering his costume. Exhausted, he heads for home, only to awaken hanging from a skyscraper, now clothed in a black version of his costume.


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