EPISODI: 1 - Pilot


Seriali bazohet në romanin e vitit 2017 me të njëjtin emër nga Karen M. McManus dhe ndjek pesë gjimnazistë që futen në paraburgim, ku njëri prej tyre vdes në rrethana të dyshimta.


Foto: RTL / © 2021 Universal Content Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2021 Universal Content Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2021 Universal Content Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.Foto: RTL / © 2021 Universal Content Productions LLC. All Rights Reserved.One of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is LyingOne of Us is Lying


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