Sonic X: A Chaotic Day

ソニックX (2003)

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EPISODI: 2 - A Chaotic Day


After a brief discussion with Chuck,Sonic Tails search for the Chaos Emeralds, Knuckles searches for the pieces of the Master Emerald, and Big Chris search for Froggy. Knuckles gets an image from the past. Sonic Tails encounters Eggman Chaos, who goes under another transformation, while finding a Chaos Emerald. Sonic beats Chaos and Eggman escapes in his Egg Carrier. Sonic Tails goes into the X Tornado and chases Eggman, but Eggman shoots down the X Tornado. Meanwhile, Amy runs into a small bird and they both get kidnapped by one of Eggman's robots. Can Sonic rescue Amy?


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