
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2016)

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Pragya makes it clear that she will reveal Tannu s truth to Abhi and go back to him as his wife. Tannu starts laughing as she believes that Pragya is not aware of who her real lover is. She asks Pragya's to first learn the entire truth and then try to ruin her plans. She adds that her baby will get Abhi's name although he is not the baby's real father. Pragya reaches home and comes face to face with Abhi. Pragya believes that if everything goes well, Tannu's truth will finally be out and she will be once again with Abhi. Meanwhile, Dadi makes a plan with Sarla to deceive Abhi and she pretend to scold Pragya in front of Abhi. Will Pragya finally reveal Tannu's reality?


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