
Disasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at SeaDisasters at Sea


Ska rishikime
  • Si kemi arritur këtu (2015)

    Një udhëtim në kohë... Në zbulim të 'gjenive' të shekullit të fundit... Le të njohim sesi kanë lindur disa nga idetë e mëdha, që kanë ndryshuar botën...
  • Sophia (2016)

    In 15th Century Russia, the last Byzantium Princess, Sophia Palaiologina, moves from Rome to distant Moscow to marry Czar Ivan III. Destined to become the first...
  • Ku Klux Klan: An American Story (2020)

    A look back at years of largely unpunished violence committed from 1865 to the present day by the Ku Klux Klan, the "oldest terrorist group in the United States".
  • Charité (2017)

    The series describes the accomplishments of several famous German physicians and scientists at the prestigious Charité hospital in Berlin during its history.

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