
My First Festivals: Christmas

My First: Festivals (2019)

Забава, Деца | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Paul McCoy, David Mordey

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 1

епизода: 3 - Christmas


We follow Rose as she celebrates Christmas with her family. Rose and her family visit the garden centre, where they find lots of festive decorations which they purchase alongside a Christmas tree. Once they arrive back at home, they all work together to decorate the house. After putting up the tree and leaving a sign for Santa in the window, Rose's parents take her for a magical experience: visiting Santa Claus in his grotto. Here, Rose tells Santa all about how well behaved she was.

Наратор: Gemma Hunt


My First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First FestivalsMy First Festivals


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