
Mini Cuccioli - A scuola

Mini Cuccioli - A scuola (2021)

Авантура | Италија
Режисер: Sergio Manfio

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата

сезона: 2

епизода: 26


In this super new series, Mini Pet Pals go to school. A really cool one, where game-based activities are tools for learning about themselves and the outside world. A learning-by-doing tactile approach through theatre, music, trips to cities and museums, math games and much much more. School is also a chance to make lots of new friends: Curly the Hedgehog, Jasmine the Otter, Coco the Fox, Nicky the Woodpecker, Dazzle the Chameleon and Freddy the Earthworm, just to name a few. Along with some really great teachers like Laura the Lynx, Otis the Owl, Charlie the Raccoon, Sebastian the Stork, Celeste the Flamingo and Esther the Turtle. Methuselah the Tree is still guiding our Mini Pet Pals on this brand-new exciting adventure, and is always there to give them a helping hand.



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