Mysteries from the Archives


September 1938. Six months after the annexation of Austria by the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler wanted to seize the Sudetenland, where 3.5 million ethnic Germans lived in Czechoslovakia. The Nazi leader threatened to use force to achieve this goal. Neville Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, decided to conduct negotiations alone with the Führer to resolve a crisis that risked a new war in Europe. Wanting to preserve peace between the United Kingdom and the Third Reich at all costs, he made three trips to Germany in fifteen days to meet with Hitler. Upon each return, with barely a step on the tarmac, he would broadcast messages of appeasement and hope to the numerous journalists present, all smiles. But how did his talks with a personality as determined and irritable as Hitler really go? Were Czechoslovakia and France, a great ally of the United Kingdom, consulted?

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