FILMA Faqja 26

  • Pas stuhise

    e diel



    Pas stuhise

    After the Storm (2019)

    Lauren dëshiron të rindërtojë komunitetin e saj, përfshirë shtëpinë e familjes së saj, pas një stuhie shkatërrimtare.

  • A Husband for Christmas

    e diel



    A Husband for Christmas

    A Husband for Christmas (2016)

    Brooke and Roger, two graphic designers in a soon-to-be-merged company, help one another by agreeing to a loveless marriage of convenience. In the process, Brooke gets to upstage her sister who just announced her...

  • Burri i trazuar

    e diel



    Burri i trazuar

    Irrational Man (2015)

    Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone. Një profesor filozofie me probleme të shumta, gjen dëshirën për të jetuar pas kryerjes së një akti ekzistencial.

  • Hope and Glory

    e diel



    Hope and Glory

    Hope and Glory (1987)

    For most people, WWII England would seem an awful place to be, but this semi-autobiographical story from John Boorman shows war-torn England from a child's perspective - a nine-year-old child growing up in London...

  • Postieri Troket Gjithmonë Dy Herë

    e diel



    Postieri Troket Gjithmonë Dy Herë

    The Postman Always Rings Twice (1981)

    Gruaja sensuale e një pronari kafenesh nis një lidhje jashtëmartesore shumë të nxehtë me një të panjohur për të, gjë që do të shkaktojë disa ngjarje pas komplotit për të vrasë bashkëshortin e saj grek.

  • Kissed

    e diel




    Kissed (1996)

    Over the years, a child's romantic ideals about death blossom into necrophilia, the study of embalming and the most profound relationship of her life.

  • Man of the West

    e diel



    Man of the West

    Man of the West (1958)

    On his way to hire a schoolteacher, a homesteader is left a hundred miles from anywhere when the train he is on is robbed. With him are an attractive dancehall girl and an untrustworthy gambler and he decides to get...

  • What Do We See When We Look at the Sky?

    e diel



    What Do We See When We Look at the Sky?

    Ras Vkhedavt, Rodesac cas Vukurebt? (2021)

    A chance encounter on a street corner has Lisa and Giorgi fall in love at first sight, but an evil spell is cast on them. Will they ever meet again?

  • One Perfect Match

    e diel



    One Perfect Match

    One Perfect Match (2023)

    Follows matchmaker Lucy Marks. She meets a handsome businessman and immediately feels a spark, but that spark is ruined when she learns he is her newest client.

  • S'ka sinjal

    e diel



    S'ka sinjal

    Unplugging (2022)

    Njihuni me Denin dhe Xhanina Djuersonin. Shkëndija e vetme në dhomën e tyre të gjumit vjen nga priza elektrike. Miku më i mirë i vajzës së tyre është iPad-i. Deni nuk mund të durojë më dhe planifikon një fundjavë të...

  • An Hour Behind

    e diel



    An Hour Behind

    An Hour Behind (2017)

    Dessert and pastry baker Trish Harper is quietly ambitious and wary of her older sister Chloe setting her up on blind dates until she meets easygoing paramedic Parker by mistake: he's sitting where her actual blind...

  • We Need A Little Christmas

    e diel



    We Need A Little Christmas

    We Need A Little Christmas (2022)

    As Julie faces her first Christmas as a single mother, she develops an unexpected friendship with an older neighbor.

  • Orkidea e zezë

    e diel



    Orkidea e zezë

    The Black Orchid (1958)

    Një histori e dhimbshme dashurie. Drama e një gruaje dhe burri të ve, në përpjekje për te rigjetur lumturinë

  • Rip in Time

    e diel



    Rip in Time

    Rip in Time (2022)

    When organic farmer Sarah meets a man who claims to be from 1787, she soon discovers old-fashioned romantic feelings that may be just as crazy as his story.

  • Burri i trazuar

    e diel



    Burri i trazuar

    Irrational Man (2015)

    Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone. Një profesor filozofie me probleme të shumta, gjen dëshirën për të jetuar pas kryerjes së një akti ekzistencial.

Emri « 1 2 3 ... 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... 31 32 33 » Mbiemri

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