
You Gotta Eat Here!: Boomers Gourmet Fries, Relish Burgers, John's Place

You Gotta Eat Here! (2012)

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EPISODI: 3 - Boomers Gourmet Fries, Relish Burgers, John's Place


Host John Catucci indulges in classic favourites with a twist - from 12 delicious, mouth-watering poutine combinations at Boomers Gourmet Fries in Stratford, ON (check out the signature “poutini” – garnished with an olive), to over 40 gourmet burger selections at Relish Burgers in London, ON (including one heart-stopping option named after the local ER) to more than 10 varieties of Eggs Benny at John’s Place in Victoria, BC. Caution: This episode may induce a food coma.


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