
Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?: Desert Luxe

Why the Heck Did I Buy This House? (2024)

Dokumentar, Stil jetese, Reality show | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 4 - Desert Luxe


A couple closed on their 1950s mid century ranch sight unseen, but it quickly turned into a nightmare of leaking pipes and dysfunctional rooms; Kim and her team take this disaster of a house and turn it into their dream desert oasis.


Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?Why the Heck Did I Buy This House?


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