
The 100 Days: That Defined Modern History: The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy - 1968

The 100 Days: That Defined Modern History (2022)

Dokumentar, Histori | Australi

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EPISODI: 4 - The Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy - 1968


In history, one hundred days has frequently been all the time needed to cause a defining moment, or to absorb the shattering impact of a great event. "The 100 Days" is a dramatic series that tells stories of the origins and the consequences of great events, revealing unexpected aspects of some of the pivotal moments of modern history. Each episode of "The 100 Days" focuses on one major event and the hundred days that give it context - the events before, surrounding or following. It is the event itself that history typically highlights, so the narrative of each episode will reward the viewer with unfamiliar incidents and characters.


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