
Living Single: Baby I'm Back... Again

Living Single (1995)

Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 9 - Baby I'm Back... Again


Scooter returns to New York, but receives a chilly reception from Khadijah, who is furious at him for failing to call her for months. They are arguing on the roof when Scooter suddenly flashes a ring and proposes. Khadijah accepts immediately. Both quickly begin to experience doubts about the upcoming nuptials. While at the jewelry store to size the ring, they realize that they only got engaged because they were afraid of losing one another. They were not ready for marriage before Scooter's departure, and spending a year apart certainly did not strengthen their relationship. They call off the engagement and decide to go back to being friends. Regine, in the midst of a dating dry spell, follows her friends' advice and nixes a date with carpet cleaner Cleophus Wade when he asks her out over the phone. She is disgusted to learn that Cleophus is handsome and wealthy (he owns the company). He thanks her for rejecting him, as this pushed him into reconciling with his ex-girlfriend, whom he t


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