• Teen Titans Go! (2013)

    Inspired by the original Teen Titans series from Warner Bros. Animation, the character-driven comedy – based upon DC Comics characters – focuses on the funny that...
  • The Garfield Show (2008)

    A pussycat lives in a middle town where Jon Arbuckle lives. Garfield goes on adventure and explores the difference of good and bad.
  • Family Matters (1989)

    The Winslow family is a pretty normal family except for one thing, their neighbor Stephen Urkel. A genius and klutz Steve makes some really weird inventions while...
  • Pimpa (1975)

    Il personaggio è una cagnolina bianca con grandi pallini rossi, lunghe orecchie e la lingua spesso a penzoloni. È molto simpatica e ha una grandissima fantasia,...

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