
American Greed: The Fugitives

American Greed: The Fugitives (2012)

Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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White-collar crime can destroy companies, cost investors billions, devastate families and wipe out a person's entire life savings. CNBC's new series "American Greed: The Fugitives" goes inside the world of active white-collar crime cases, telling never-before-heard stories. Each episode features interviews with law enforcement, prosecutors, and investor-victims, all sharing the goal of bringing these fugitives to face justice. Investment schemes are more sophisticated than ever before and the accused con-artists who orchestrate these scams use every tool at their disposal to dupe investors and evade capture. "American Greed: The Fugitives" takes viewers on the hunt to catch the most wanted white-collar fugitives.


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