Przyłbice i kaptury

Przyłbice i kaptury (1986)

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Vlerësimi: 6.5/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10


Przyłbice i kaptury
  • Killing Eve (2018)

    Nominuar për Globin e Artë si seriali më i mirë dramatik. Sandra Oh, fituese e Globit të Artë. Kur një agjente i vihet pas një vrasëseje të talentuar dhe...
  • Babylon 5 (1993)

    In the year 2258, it is ten years after the Earth-Minbari War. Commander Sinclair takes command of a giant five-mile-long cylindrical space station, orbiting a...
  • Il cacciatore (2018)

    Palermo, 1993. After decades of bloodshed and government officials mostly treading the water with street-level arrests, it is time to go after the bosses....
  • Piratët e vegjël (1999)

    There once lived a pirate named Gol D. Roger. He obtained wealth, fame, and power to earn the title of Pirate King. When he was captured and about to be executed,...

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