
Absurdy drogowe

Absurdy drogowe

Dokumentar, Argëtim | Poloni

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Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion
  • Europa Nga Lart (2019)

    Europe from Above takes to the air over Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK to showcase Europe's finest cultural and geographical landmarks...
  • Misteret e universit (2010)

    Nje program i drejtuar nga Morgan Friman, eksploron misteret më të thella të ekzistencës dhe pyetjet që e kanë munduar prej kohësh njerëzimin.
  • Fizika e dritës (2014)

    Starting with Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Physics of Light explores the true nature of light, peers inside the atom, and looks ahead to the most cutting edge...
  • Strip the Cosmos (2014)

    STRIP THE COSMOS strips major planets, moons, black holes, stars and galaxies of their gas, force-fields, rocks and magma, layer by layer, act by act, to explore...

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