
The Heart Knows

Dil Aashna Hai (1992)

Regjia: Hema Malini

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Laila, brought up in a brothel, is a cabaret dancer in Digvijay Singh's five star hotel. On day her dying mother informs her that Laila is her adopted child. Laila is aided by Karan in her search for the mother. Her search leads her to Razia, who divulges that eighteen years ago, there were three naughty little girls in her college Barkha, Salma and Raj. They were in love with their boyfriends and one of them delivered a baby girl. Each of the three looked after the baby as if it were her own. The baby was later handed over to Razia. Now all three girls are leading their own lives and have a god standing in society. But Laila is determined to bring them together to seek answers from them and find acceptance at the hands of her real mother.


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