
Little Deaths

Little Deaths (2011)

Romancë, Horror, Mister | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Vlerësimi: 4.7/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 4/10
(5 Voto)


"Little Deaths" is composed by three segments with short stories of sex, violence, death and revenge in England. 1st segment: "House & Home" Richard Gull and his wife Victoria Gull claim that are good Samaritans and invite the starving homeless Sorrow to have a bath and dinner with them at home. However they spike the wine and when Sorrow wakes up, she is tied naked on a bed in the basement. Richard abuses of her and Victoria stays with Sorrow humiliating her while he has a shower. He hears a scream and when he arrives in the basement, he has a gruesome surprise. 2nd segment: "Mutant Tool" The former addicted prostitute Jen lives with her former pimp and drug dealer Frank, who also abducts persons to steal their kidneys to deliver to Dr. Reese. Jen gives her best efforts to stay clean and refuses to meet clients from the former "agency" where she worked. When Frank asks her to go to Dr. Reese, he gives some tablets for her. Jen has headaches and nightmares and she returns to Dr. Reese...


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