

Skagerrak (2019)

Dokumentar, Sport, Aventurë | Danimarkë, Norvegji
Regjia: Peter Alsted

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Vlerësimi: 7.6/10


SKAGERRAK follows the preparation and mental development of the Danish professional stand up paddle athlete Casper Steinfath in his attempt to be the first person in the world to paddle from Denmark to Norway. In his journey, brotherhood and friendship come to play an essential part making a dream and project like the crossing of an entire ocean come true. SKAGERRAK will take you behind the scenes of mainstream media and portrays the Northern and secluded region of Denmark called Thy, where Casper grew up. A region, where a pioneer spirit and desire for independence prevails despite adversity and isolation. SKAGERRAK is an inspirational story that touches upon the dreams, aspirations, and desires that live inside all of us. A film about the courage to reach for the horizon.




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