

Nielegalni (2018)

Aksion, Thriller, Dramë, Mister | Poloni, Turqi

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Konrad Wolski, head of the Q department, an elite Polish intelligence unit, taking over a Belarusian arms dealer in Istanbul, learns about a terrorist attack planned in Sweden. The weapon to be used in the attack is to come from the Soviet arsenal hidden in Belarus. Konrad immediately launches Travis, a Polish spy secret in the Minsk KGB, to obtain intelligence information that will frustrate the terrorist plan. The issue is complicated by the fact that Travis has just been exposed by one of the Belarusian KGB officers. Subject to financial blackmail, he will not remain in his position for a long time - the mission of his immediate evacuation goes to Minsk Sara, an officer of the Polish Intelligence Agency. At the same time, a retired general of Belarusian services in Warsaw is blackmailing the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland. The officers of the Foreign Intelligence Agency must at all costs take over archival materials incriminating the head of the Polish government. All roads lead to Minsk. A murderous game begins with time.


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