
Fear the Walking Dead: Ner Tamid

Fear the Walking Dead (2019)

Dramë, Horror, Fantashkencë, Thriller | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Vlerësimi: 6.4/10


EPISODI: 12 - Ner Tamid


In search of a permanent home for the convoy, Charlie is drawn to a synagogue where she encounters a Rabbi surviving on his own. Elsewhere, Sarah and Dwight face unexpected foes.


Fear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking DeadFear the Walking Dead


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