
The Bureau

Le bureau des légendes (2015)

Dramë, Thriller, Krim, Mister | Francë

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Based on real accounts and inspired by contemporary events, this French spy thriller follows the daily lives and missions of members of the country's external security service -- France's equivalent of the CIA. It focuses on intelligence officer Guillaume Debailly, code named "Malotru," who is mysteriously recalled to Paris after spending six years under cover in Syria. As he tries to re-connect with his daughter, ex-wife and colleagues, Debailly risks everything by resuming contact with his married lover, Nadia, who might have secrets of her own that jeopardize the agent.


The BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe BureauThe Bureau


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