
Beverly Hills 90210: Addicted to Love

Beverly Hills, 90210 (1994)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Les Landau

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Vlerësimi: 6.9/10


EPISODI: 21 - Addicted to Love


Brandon uses Kelly as his date at a university social event to shield his affair with Lucinda from Josh Richland, a snooping student reporter from the Condor determined to dig up any dirt on Brandon. Meanwhile, Brenda and Stewart travel to Palm Springs where they find big complications from a small mistake Brenda makes which leaves them stranded in the desert, where Stuart fumes over and it resulting in her finally breaking off their engagement for good. David rents a piano as a new hobby while Kelly moves back in with him and Donna. Also, Andrea lets Steve use her dorm room after he can't stand living at the KEG house.


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