
Beverly Hills 90210: Radar Love

Beverly Hills, 90210 (1993)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Vlerësimi: 6.9/10


EPISODI: 12 - Radar Love


After mistaking a woman at a rural filling station for his former girlfriend, Emily Valentine, Brandon decides to visit Emily's home in Marin County north of San Francisco. He learns that the Valentine family has moved to Greece, but runs into Emily by chance on a cable car in San Francisco. They rekindle their romance and decide to spend Thanksgiving together. But Emily does not reveal that she must move away in a week. Back in Los Angeles, the KEG frat house and Alpha sorority serve Thanksgiving dinner at a halfway house, and John Sears tries to take advantage of a 15-year-old girl. Steve intervenes and has the fraternity president distract John. Meanwhile, Dylan declines Kelly's Thanksgiving invitation because he plans to go surfing, but later agrees to dine with the Walshes. When Kelly comes over with her family, she snaps at Dylan and makes a scene. Elsewhere, Andrea is hesitant to attend a Thanksgiving soirée at the home of Dan's parents. Jesse, the bartender from the Walshes' anniversary party, works at the affair. He asks Andrea out, and she willingly gives him her address.


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