EPISODI: 2 - Gegen alle Zweifel


Near the clinic Lena was driving her bicycle and Annette Bering, a blind and pregnant woman was waiting her mother in the street.Lena shocks with Annette, both fall,but Annette has only a little wound in her leg.The mother of Annette comes and immediately makes reproach to her daughter.After an examination the Dr. Keller says that all is in order.At home DEva meets Vincent, she had a adventure with him and they try to be associate.But now she fires him.Basti meets on the route two young women of Munich, Hanna and Carolina who were lost and he carries them to Eva, because they will spend some days of holiday in the rural home of Eva.Later Lena meets Quirin,her boyfriend, but Rosa don't let them quiet.At home Annette is listening to the radio and calls her boyfriend Gregory who is radio announcer of the station.In the tavern Basti and Franz are making jokes about Hawaiian cooking.Eva proposes to Lena to celebrate the return of Leopold from the rehabilitation.Annette is thinking in looking for the help of Lena for her pregnancy.


Lena LorenzLena LorenzLena LorenzLena LorenzLena LorenzLena LorenzLena Lorenz


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