
Izgubkjena čast

Fatmagul'un Sucu Ne? bolum 109 (2011)

Dramë, Romancë | Turqi

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Fatmagul Sucu Ne (What is Fatmagul's Fault?) is a story based on novel. The series revolves around Fatmagul (Beren) and Kerim (Engin) who are the lead characters. Fatmagul who is a small town girl is raped one night by 3 guys under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Kerim who is friends with Erdogan, Selim and Vurl is also present during this incident. Kerim has not taken any part in this but is feeling remorse as he was present during the incident. Later on the lawyer uncle and parents of rich guys pressurize Fatmagul to marry Kerim by bribing her sister in law. Fatmagul has finance Mustafa who is after revenge on Fatmagul and Kerim. This makes the couple leave their hometown and come to Istanbul. The story revolves further when Kerim falls in love with Fatmagul and supports her in fight against her rapists.


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