
Nashville: Crazy

Nashville (2014)

Dramë, Muzikë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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Vlerësimi: 7.8/10


EPISODI: 19 - Crazy


Maddie's news goes viral and stirs a media frenzy including being a "Hot Topic" on "The View," and the real-life ladies of "The View"--Whoopi Goldberg, Sherri Shepherd, Jenny McCarthy and Barbara Walters guest-star as themselves. Rayna tries to manage the fallout by going on "Good Morning America" and real-life anchor Robin Roberts guest stars as herself. When Juliette faces more empty seats on her tour, she reaches out to Charlie Wentworth (Charlie Bewley) for a favor, and Scarlett's mother, Beverly (Dana Wheeler-Nicolson), surprises her daughter in Chicago, IL, but things do not go well.




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