
Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild: Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Winter Wonderland: Alaska

Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild (2013)

Dokumentar, Reality show, Natyrë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar
Regjia: Elliot Kew

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Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 6.5/10
(2 Voto)


EPISODI: 2 - Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Winter Wonderland: Alaska


The adventurer travels to Alaska to visit Bretwood Higman and Erin McCittrick, who hiked 4,000 miles to get to their new home, where they are now bringing up their two children. They spend half the year in a self-built Mongolian-style yurt on the mountainside, with the other six months dedicated to hiking in the region's wildernesses. Ben joins the family in their small coastal village, which has a population of 350, and learns some of the skills essential to surviving in the wild, from chopping trees to protecting himself from potential attack by grizzly bears.


Ben Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the WildBen Fogle: New Lives in the Wild


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