
One Born Every Minute

One Born Every Minute (2010)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Iranian couple Elhameh and Farbod, both 41, arrive at Liverpool Women's hospital for a planned Caesarean. Back home men are not allowed to see their partners in the operating theatre, so movie-mad Farbod wants to film everything so he has a permanent record. However, his video is put on pause when a male interpreter turns up instead of the requested female one. David, 31, and Jenny, 28, are in a race against time to get to the delivery suite, but with David parking the car, he finds himself wandering the ward looking for his partner. Proud Liverpool fan Peter, 32, is out of his comfort zone during his wife's labour. The last time 33-year-old Emma had a baby he was so overwhelmed he threw up, but now he's determined to pull through and show his support.


One Born Every MinuteOne Born Every MinuteOne Born Every MinuteOne Born Every MinuteOne Born Every MinuteOne Born Every MinuteOne Born Every MinuteOne Born Every Minute


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