
Murder, She Wrote

Murder, She Wrote (1984)

Regjia: Anthony Shaw

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Former high school English teacher and famed mystery writer Jessica Fletcher has a gift for solving mysteries. You see, it seems murder follows her around, whether it be to the houses of her seemingly endless number of friends, nieces, and nephews or right in her hometown of Cabot Cove, Maine. Jessica is sometimes assisted by her friend Dr. Seth Hazlitt or the local sheriff, Amos Tupper (later Sheriff Metzger). Sometimes, later in the series, Jessica would only narrate the episode, which would be a dramatization of one of her novels. In later seasons, Jessica moved to New York City to be closer to her publisher and also closer to crime.


Murder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She WroteMurder, She Wrote


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