
Young Sheldon

Young Sheldon (2017)

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It's 1989 and 9-year-old Sheldon Cooper has skipped four grades to start high school along with his less-intellectual older brother. As he struggles to be understood by his family, classmates and neighbours, his mother arms him with the best tool she can come up with: reminding bullies his dad is the football coach and his brother is on the team. His twin sister doesn't share his exceptional mind, but she has a much clearer vision of what life has in store for the young genius. Jim Parsons, who plays the adult version of Sheldon on "The Big Bang Theory (2007)," narrates.


Young SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung SheldonYoung Sheldon


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