
The Bold and the Beautiful: #3703

The Bold and the Beautiful (2001)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 191 - #3703


Rick hung up the phone after a conversation with his mother. Amber then asked what had transpired at the stock meeting the previous day. Rick further explained that Brooke had left Ridge in charge as CEO while she was gone. Rick was certain that Ridge would not do anything to rock the boat. Amber emphasized that the company would one day be Rick's. Eric looks on as his older son handled a problem on the Forrester website. Eric commented that he was certain his son would make a fine CEO. Ridge said it felt right for him to be in charge, but he had to remember it was only temporary until Brooke returned from her sabbatical. Megan arrived, took orders from Ridge to assemble reports from all divisions for a board meeting that very night. Both Eric & Ridge were surprised that Brooke had not been totally professional in her running of her own clothing lines. Ridge wants to return Forrester to it's glory days of classic design.


The Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the BeautifulThe Bold and the Beautiful


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